Troy Morrison

About Me
How Furniture Can Improve Your Home

When people feel that their home is looking a little tired, they will often jump right in and start painting walls and redecorating. However, in reality, simply investing in new furniture could be all you need. This site is dedicated to bringing you lots of cool info about your options when it comes to investing in new furniture for your pad. I'm no expert but I have researched the different styles of furniture from the 20th Century, the latest trends in the furniture design industry, and the steps you can take to look after new furniture. I hope you have fun exploring this page.


Three Factors To Consider Before Booking Interstate Removal Services

20 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Moving is usually one of the most stressful events in a person's life, so the more forethought that is given to moving house, the less stress you will experience. When it comes to moving interstate within Australia, there are a couple of additional factors which need to be considered, as this journey is a little more complicated than just moving house within the same city or suburb. Here are three factors you must consider before you book your move with an interstate removal service. Read More …

Three Classic Style Choices For Your Sliding Wardobe

13 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Sliding wardrobes are a very popular design in Australia for a variety of reasons. They take up less floor space due to the lack of a traditional door, they are easy to operate and they can be customised very easily. However, perhaps because they are so easy to customise, many people struggle to come up with an idea of what design to choose. Being spoilt for choice is just as bad as having no direction at all. Read More …

Amazing Benefits of Buying Marble Kitchen Benchtops

10 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

One of the main dilemmas property owners face when installing fittings in a new kitchen or during renovations is selecting an ideal benchtop. With so many kitchen benchtop materials, making a choice can be difficult. You have to know the different forms of kitchen benchtops the market offers and consider factors such as price, maintenance, heat resistance, durability and so on before making a choice. Marble kitchen benchtops have become a popular choice amongst most homeowners. Read More …